The working group on EuroNest PA Associate States chaired by Irina Pruidze held the sitting in European Parliament
Brussels hosts the sitting of the working group of EU associate states – Georgia, Moldova Ukraine discussing institutional mechanisms of Parliamentary engagement in EUAA implementation. The Chair, Irina Pruidze spoke about the Constitutional reform and the new Rules of Procedure aiming at enhancement of the Parliamentary legislative and oversight functions and increase of transparency and accountability.
“These changes will further enhance the Parliament and facilitate to EUAA implementation”, - she noted. The expert Katarina Volchuk introduced the study assigned by EP Foreign Relations Committee on institutional mechanisms of EUAA implementation by the three countries. The study reveals that EUAA implementation requires political leadership, coordinating mechanisms and institutional capacities. “All three aspects include active engagement of the Parliament as of the supreme legislative body”, - she noted.
The Heads of the Ukrainian and Moldovan Delegations spoke about the challenges in their countries. The sitting was attended by the Parliamentary Delegations from Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, MEPs and EU institutions. Georgia was represented by Irina Pruidze and Giorgi Mosidze.