The key debate of the overall session co-chaired by Maka Botchorishvili and Andrius Kubilius was on “recovery, resilience and democratisation perspectives for a post COVID-19 Eastern Partnership”, which was reported on by the First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, Vakhtang Makharoblishvili, from the Georgian side.
The rapporteur stressed the importance of the Eastern Partnership and the dynamics of the implementation of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement.
Following the speeches, a debate was held with the participation of Assembly members.
"We all agree that Covid-19 is not just a global pandemic, it is a health crisis that has affected the global economy. In response to the economic challenges posed by the pandemic, the Government of Georgia has taken decisive action, with the assistance of donor organizations, strategic partners and international financial institutions, to develop and implement a comprehensive response program that has enabled us to successfully maintain stability amid I and II waves of the pandemic”, - Member of the Georgian Delegation, Mariam Kvrivishvili stated and paid particular attention to the immunization process, which has become a national priority of Georgia.
According to her, the effective vaccination process is ensured in accordance with international standards and with the help of the COVAX platform, Georgia will receive a sufficient amount of vaccine for 20% of the population.
M. Kvrivishvili thanked the European Union for the financial assistance provided to Georgia during the pandemic.
Mikheil Sarjveladze expanded on the situation in the occupied territories of Georgia by the Russian Federation and spoke about the gross human rights violations on the ground - "The Russian Federation continues its destructive actions. Citizen abductions and illegal detentions are carried out by the occupation regimes, which further aggravates the situation on the ground. Currently, a number of people have been illegally detained by the occupation regime in both Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali region. The case of Zaza Gakheladze, who was illegally arrested and sentenced to 12 years in prison, is noteworthy. He was illegally arrested by the Russian occupation forces on July 11, 2020. This fact confirms that Russia is violating the EU-brokered ceasefire agreement of August 12, 2008 and the UN Secretary General's call for a global ceasefire. Russia is grossly violating the fundamental rights and freedoms of the local population”.
The member of the Georgian Delegation also spoke about the case of Irakli Bebua, who was arrested on September 30, 2020 for burning the Abkhazian flag and sentenced to 9 years in prison - "I would like to take this opportunity to once again call for the immediate release of Zaza Gakheladze and all those illegally detained, for which we need the active and strong support of our European partners”.
The plenary session adopted resolutions developed by the committees:
During the session, the Assembly drafted the text of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly Resolution on "Recommendations for the Eastern Partnership Summit and the EU Institutions".
It is noteworthy that in view of the Trio Plus Strategy 2030, the resolution considers it important for the more advanced Eastern Partnership countries, which hold the Association Agreements, to use the EU's long-term instruments, which will help the associated countries increase their motivation for reforms in the next decade.
The initiated resolution emphasizes that the strategic goal of the EU and partner countries is political association and deepening economic integration, which is a guarantee of stability and prosperity for the region as a whole. It also emphasizes that the prospect of joining the EU should be extended to partners who meet the requirements of Article 49 of the EU Treaty.
The draft resolution condemns the Russian Federation's violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova, and calls on the Russian Federation to withdraw its military forces from the occupied territories of these countries.
Importantly, the document addresses the challenges in the region, the support of the Eastern Partnership countries, and the hybrid threats posed by Russia.
The document places full responsibility on the Russian Federation for the human rights violations committed during the 2008 Russia-Georgia war and also highlights the significance of the decision of the European Court of Human Rights of January 21, 2021 and the need for its implementation.
The draft resolution calls on EU member states and the Council of the European Union to impose global human rights sanctions on those who have made illegal arrests in Georgia's occupied territories.
The document also emphasizes the importance of the EUMM.
The resolution calls on the Russian Federation to allow an EU Monitoring Mission in accordance with its mandate in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali/South Ossetia.
The resolution will be adopted several months before the Eastern Partnership summit.
The ninth session of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly has accomplished its work, after which the Co-Chairs of the Assembly Maka Botchorishvili and Andrius Kubilius held a joint online press conference.