The Committees heard the report by the Education and Science Ministry on the fulfillment of the Association Agreement and the EUAA Agenda.
According to the Chair of the EU Integration Committee, Maka Bochorishvili, education is one of the priorities and important for further development. “It is a sphere creating the solid guarantees for the development in the long-term run. The EUAA commitments in education are already fulfilled, though we would hear about the application of the benefit granted by the EU integration, what is the benefit for our students and the opportunities for our scientists. Within the EaP, education is one of the priorities as well and cooperation with the EaP countries in this sphere is of the utmost importance”, - she stated.
“Deriving from the application implying the consistent fulfillment of the Association Agreement and the application of our political team on the EU membership in 2024, it is important for the Committees and society to hear information about the current situation in the EU integration process. In this term, the Committees shall cooperate”, - the Chair of the Education Committee, Shalva Papuashvili stated.
The report was introduced by the First Deputy Education Minister, Ekaterine Dgebuadze
“EU and NATO integration is the structural priority of the country and hence, the reforms in the education and science spheres are in compliance with or derive from the EUAA agenda. The regulation of the strategic framework in education and science is a milestone of EU cooperation. In view of the EU education and science policy, as well as system approximation, the EU funds the public administration reform in Georgia. The program is coordinated by the Governmental Administration. As you know, the Ministry has developed the education and science strategy for 2017-2021 and the action plan, as well as the report on the fulfillment of the plan. The report estimates the positive recommendations of the international experts issued to the Ministry. In coordination with the Government, we have started the development in 2020 on the uniform education and science strategy for 2022-2032 with the technical support of the EU Public Administration Support program, engaged experts and international and local experts closely cooperating with the Ministry. Yet another EU project is engaged – skill development for the employment and the World Bank backed the engagement of the international and local experts. Now, the Ministry starts the development of the strategy and action plan for 2022-2032 and the role of the Parliament in this process is very important. We expect the Parliament to be actively engaged in the development of these documents. Within the EUAA, successful implementation of the EaP European School project is strategically important. The EUAA underlines the necessity of the development of academic skills within the EaP. In this term, last year we started the realization of the second phase of the EaP European School project”, - the reporter noted.
She overviewed the activities of the Ministry and answered the questions.