“The youth in the OSCE states, similar to the women and the minorities, are less engaged in the decision-making process. Hence, the youth shall necessarily be widely engaged in addressing the global challenges like the armed conflicts, climate changes, abject poverty, inequality and human rights. The youth, constituting almost ¼ of the population of the world shall be provided with the opportunity for engagement”, - the OSCE PA President, Gigi Tsereteli stated at the web-forum dedicated to the International Youth Day hosted by Samarkand (Uzbekistan).
He dwelt on the OSCE PA activities and noted that the Assembly actively works in the youth direction, which is evidenced by the respective resolution in the Berlin Declaration 2018, and the recommendations issued to the Governments comprising the youth engagement and support issues.
In 2019, the Young Leaders’ Platform has been set up under the OSCE PA aegis, backed by the US Congress and the “Helsinki Committee”.
The President of Uzbekistan; UN Secretary-General António Guterres, High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet, the Venice Commission President Gianni Buquicchio and the leaders of other international organizations addressed the attendees noting that the global pandemic problems touched all age groups but the youth in this regard encountered the challenges with realization of their plans related to education, employment etc.
Thus, it is important for the national Governments to have the respective vision and plans to address the problems of the youth.