The Workshop dedicated to the sustainable development goals was attended by the executive and legislative authorities, international organizations and NGOs. “Assessment of the Parliamentary capacity towards SDGs: Parliamentary mechanism” – the panel was facilitated by the Chair of the Procedural Issues and Rules Committee, Giorgi Kakhiani.
He spoke about the Parliamentary mechanisms, challenges and the capacities stating that the Parliament will be as successful in terms of implementation of the sustainable development goals as it is within OGP.
The Parliament shall strive to ensure maximal transparency and efficiency of this process, he stated. We shall think of our actions to enact these mechanisms and the workshop is the platform to discuss these issues, G. Kakhiani noted. Awareness in this direction is important and through the legislative process, the Parliament shall contribute in SDG implementation.
“These goals are broad covering all spheres of our public life. Hence, these goals cannot be achieved without the legal changes. Thus, participation of the Parliament is principal accompanied with communication with the Government. We shall think about the novelties to be introduced in this term”.
He emphasized the oversight function: novelties are necessary in this part as well. "Today, we elaborate the new Rules of Procedure. The draft has been already developed and soon initiated. One of the novelties it provides envisages oversight activity of the Parliament and communication with the Government. Under the Parliamentary Republic model, we shall schedule the brand new standards for these relations. New regulations under the Rules of Procedure will serve another step forward and all these aspects are in direct connection with SDGs”.
The workshop is organized by the Parliament and supported by UNDP, Swedish Government and IPU.