The Committee discussed with the I reading the Bill on LEPL of the Interior Ministry “Public Safety Management Center 112” and the accompanying bills.
The Bill envisages the establishment of an effective payment mechanism for uninterrupted operation of the specially protected lots to facilitate the efficiency of the provision of the hereof service by 112. As the reporter, Director of the Legal Department of MIA, Lana Tsanava stated, in the event of the owner of the mechanical vehicles fails to pay the respective fee within the established term, the authorized person of the PSMC issues the individual legal act establishing certain term at least of 30 days for the payment.
“The failure of the payment shall entail the issue of the enforcement document, which shall further be submitted to the Enforcement Bureau to start the coercive enforcement procedures. In this term, the Law provides quite soft mechanisms, which is expressed in the fact that the coercive enforcement is ensured only towards the vehicle and shall not apply to other property of the debtor, such are land, house etc.”, - she stated.
In the event, if the person wills to appeal the decision of the Center, he/she will have such a right.
“The appeal mechanism is not limited, it can be extended to the last instance. The coercive enforcement mechanisms will be ensured after expiration of the appeal procedures”, - the reporter added.
According to her, the Bill envisages the notification by 112 according to the Civil Code of Practice and envisages the amnesty.
“The amnesty implies in the fact that despite the indebtedness of the person, he/she can take his/her vehicle after payment of 100 GEL within the term of 3 months upon the enactment of the Law. Besides, it applies not only the vehicles already transported to the protected lot and under judicial proceedings or enforcement proceedings”.
As she added, currently, the Center lacks the effective leverage to make the owner coercively take the vehicle. “In 2014-2020, 73820 mechanical vehicles have been brought to the lot of the Center, 1207 out of which still remains there. The cost of the additional lots in 2015-2020 constituted 551.874.07 GEL. The indebtedness of these vehicles constitutes 735 195 GEL”, - the reporter stated.
The Committee approved the package and discussed with the I reading the Bills on Food/Forage Safety, Veterinary and Plant Protection Code; Code of Administrative Offenses; and Vine and Wine.
The Bill regulates the veterinary activity relations, determines the business operators with the status of small business, and allows the Agency to identify these business operators.
At that, the authorized person of the LEPL National Food Agency will enjoy the right to timely deliver the penalty acts to the addressee. The Bill allows identification of the offenses in food safety, veterinary and plant protection spheres and respective response, as well as assigns the LEPL National Wine Agency to ensure the control on the production of spirits and distillates.
The bill also replaces some terms and introduces new terms. Providing the expressed remarks and reservations, the Committee approved the package and discussed with the III reading the Bill on Criminal Code, introducing two new crimes: violation of the computer data and/or systems for financial profit and creation of the false computer data.
The Bill determines the composition and the sanctions for the hereof crimes.
The Committee approved the package.