The OSCE PA Committee for Political Affairs and Security discussed the draft Resolution concerning the OSCE security challenges and current situation in conflict regions.
The document shall as well provide the change developed by the Georgian Delegation. The text of the hereof record was introduced by the Head of the Delegation, Sofio Katsarava.
According to the draft, “Parliamentary Assembly is concerned about absence of progress in terms of peaceful resolution of the conflict in line with the international norms and principles. The Assembly expresses concern about the humanitarian and security state in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali occupied regions”.
The paragraph 32 of the draft calls on the respective party for implementation of August 12, 2008 cease-fire agreement and uninterrupted provision of Tskinvali and Abkhazia regions with humanitarian aid.
“It is important that the change developed by Georgian Delegation concerning the current situation on the occupied territories and peaceful resolution of the conflict will be reflected in the OSCE PA Resolution”, - S. Katsarava stated.