The Deputy Chair of the Defense and Security Committee, Vladimir Chachibaia held the meeting with the members of the Students’ Parliament and discussed the Georgia-NATO cooperation and the security challenges in the region.
He informed the students about the situation in the region, threats deriving from Russia and “creeping occupation”, touching upon the defense reforms and interoperability with NATO standards.
According to him, Georgia is a significant contributor to NATO peace-keeping missions and keeps active integration to NATO.
“I am glad that the students are interested in the defense sphere as such cooperation will facilitate public awareness. I recommended them to visit the military basis for more information. We discussed the security challenges of Georgia and dwelt on the security in the region, including the Karabakh conflict and tension in Eastern Ukraine”, - V. Chachibaia stated.
He answered the questions concerning the importance of the defense forces in countering the pandemic and services for the veteran military personnel.