At the OSCE PA Annual Session in Minsk, the Head of the Parliamentary Delegation, Sofio Katsarava delivered the speech.
She spoke about security, terrorism and other challenges within OSCE and emphasized Russia-Georgia conflict and security and human rights state on the occupied territories. She condemned illegal erection of so-called border lines at the occupation line.
“Despite the Geneva Talks, Russia continues annexation. Human rights and grossly violated on the occupied territories and the local residents are restricted from free movement, obtainment of education in their native language and medical services. I hope, within OSCE and along with our friend and partner states within bilateral, multilateral and regional cooperation in terms of security, stability, common challenges and peaceful resolution of conflict we will make effective steps for the respective outcome”.
After the speech, she spoke about OSCE PA format dialogue importance and the roles of the Assembly and the Parliaments in dealing with challenges.