Education and Science Committee Unanimously Endorsing 2021 Strategy and Action Plan

The Committee deliberated the updated strategy and action plan for 2021.
The action plan defined the main activities of the Committee as follows: Elaboration of policy documents and legislative activities; Supervisory activities of the Committee; Public Relations and Communication; Organizational development issues.
The Chairman of the Committee, Shalva Papuashvili expanded on the development of a long-term concept of education development - "We wish the Parliament and the Committee to define the concept of how the representative body views the development of the education and science system in the long run”.
One of the points in the action plan concerns the development of the Education Code.
"Today there are various laws that regulate general education, higher education, etc. There is often a systemic discrepancy between the laws and there is an idea, for a long time, whether it would be better to have a single law dealing with education issues. This is one of the points to be included in the action plan to investigate whether the existence of such a unified law or code would be defensible”, - Sh. Papuashvili noted.
The Committee also plans offsite sittings, including to Kutaisi International University and vocational education institutions.
The Chairman of the Committee also announced two issues to be discussed at the next meeting; MPs expressed their opinions and assessments regarding the action plan.
At the end of the sitting, Sh. Papuashvili also dwelt on the format of cooperation and noted that the Committee is open to any discussion and cooperation on various issues.