Rati Ionatamishvili: the construction standards on space arrangement for the persons with disabilities shall be harmonized with the modern standards of the universal design
The Deputy Chair of the Human Rights and Civil Integration Committee, Rati Ionatamishvili met with the representatives of the organizations and state agencies working on the persons with disabilities to discuss “Harmonization of the space arrangement construction standards for the persons with disabilities with the universal design standards and enforcement mechanisms”.
“When we speak about the persons with disabilities and equal conditions for them, the key challenge we encounter is to adapt the physical environment according to the universal design principle, which means possibility of accessibility to the environment based on the universal design principles”, - R. Ionatamishvili stated.
There are two challenges – one in the part of legal regulations with absence of the effective enforcement mechanisms and undefined oversight body, regarding which we have already initiative the Bill; and the current technical regulations fail to be in compliance with the modern construction standards of the universal design.
“Participation is open for every party, starting from the organizations working on the persons with disabilities, up to the sector Ministries and City Hall to ensure harmonization of construction technical regulations with the universal design standards along with enactment of the law”.