Genadi Margvelashvili: Having two occupied regions, it is essential to find a genuine and transparent way to each other’s hearts

The Chair of the Education, Science and Culture Committee, Genadi Margvelashvili addressed the audience with a welcoming speech at the presentation of the research conducted by Caucasian House. According to him, uniting around the Caucasian idea stands for further reconciliation of Georgia with its relative, friendly nations.
"Save Abkhazia means save Georgia, help Abkhaz language and ethnicity means to help Georgia. It's not just true for Abkhazia, rather for the people of all regions of the Caucasus, and the idea, the way you set out, is absolutely right and must be implemented”, - Genadi Margvelashvili addressed scientists and researchers.
In his view, in teaching the history, the national curricula should not only reflect the conflicts but also the ties of traditional kinship, similarities in attire, cooking, and cultural art in general. "These resemblances will inevitably help us to find the threads and eventually become friends and be part of a united future", - Genadi Margvelashvili noted.
As for the conflicts, Ganadi Margvelashili noted that this is a tragedy which reminds him of the words by the prominent philosopher Hegel - “Small nations do not start wars because they are detrimental to them, but the facts are stubborn things - we have two occupied regions. it is essential to find a genuine and transparent way to each other’s hearts. At this, the truth has no alternative”.
As the Chair added, reconciliation in the Georgian-Abkhazian and Georgian-Ossetian conflicts should be as peaceful and mild as possible. Finally, the MP expressed his wish for the consideration of the outcomes of the research at the Parliament.
The Deputy Chair of the Committee, Guguli Maghradze delivered a speech at the presentation. She drew attention to the title of the study - "History Split by War" - “Due to the separation caused by the war, it is very difficult to be objective to one or the other. It is a privilege for civil society researchers and the absence of luxury of politicians to take a closer look at what is happening”, - Guguli Maghradze stated.
The Deputy Chair hailed the type of research which include the position of all scientists and researchers. According to the MP, teaching of history is very important to an extend that it shapes the attitude of the youth and society towards one or the other issue.
"It is difficult for both Georgian and Abkhazian or Ossetian scientists to be objective, especially amid the open would of the past. I hail the attempt to objectively analyze the teaching of history that may lead to an agreement through generalization of certain facts. If such studies and such knowledge are available to people, they will be more critical and will no longer be fooled by cheap provocations. Our daily life also proves that we are in constant conflict. Although we know that there is no society without conflict, we could prevent at least some part of these conflicts with the thorough knowledge on the existing disagreements. And if there is still a conflict, we could look for the ways that would prevent them from further escalation", - Guguli Maghradze summarized.