Mikheil Sarjveladze on Initiation of Amnesty Bill – “We are fulfilling our commitment, which is defined by a specific agreement”
The Chair of the Human Rights and Civil Integration Committee, Mikheil Sarjveladze, summed up the first meeting with the representatives of the opposition regarding the amnesty bill, noting that despite the common views on certain issues, discussions on the document will continue in the future.
"It was a fruitful meeting in the sense that we found common ground on many issues, but there are still issues on which we have different opinions. From our point of view, we are fulfilling our commitment under a specific agreement, which provides for amnesty for all offenses related to known events, although this does not imply a type of offense such as the case of Ms. Mako Gomuri. In the bill initiated by us, this will be an exception and will be specifically written. The main difference that remained is that they wanted to put additional restrictions on the bill, which would include the amnesty law for future offenses with other qualifications. The deadline for initiating the bill expired today, but the discussions on the bill will continue in the future, and I hope that the representatives of the opposition will be able to agree on our views, in any case, the discussions will definitely endure”, - M. Sarjveladze elucidated.