Online Presentation by Nino Tsilosani on Green Budget
The Chair of the Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Committee, Nino Tsilosani held an online presentation on the Green Budget project to introduce the important document that the Committee has endorsed and is to set the Committee’s work priorities for the next four years.
The Project has been elaborated on by the Working Group as is provided for in the Budget Plan and the Committee approved it later on September 9.
The public meeting was also attended by the stakeholders from NGOs and the Ministry of Agriculture.
The document analyzes the results of the implementation of the environmental functions of the state and defines the budget priorities and deriving recommendations for 2021-2024.
Today’s meeting one again underlined the role of the Green Budget project as a guiding document for the Parliament of Georgia and the Committee for the next four years on environmental priorities for 2021-2024, which will be gradually reflected in the country's budget.