Sofio Katsarava: UN General Assembly is a supreme platform where we are able to voice key issues of Georgia to world leaders

The Chair of the Foreign Relations Committee, Sofio Katsarava is serving an official visit to the United States, where the UNGA 74 is being held.
The Georgian delegation is presided by the President, Mme. Salome Zourabichvili.
The visit covered meetings with the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk and UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, as well as with the Presidents of Finland, Romania, Latvia, Guatemala, Kazakhstan, Iraq and the PMs of Norway and Barbados.
The primary objectives of the meetings incorporated the difficult situation in the occupied territories of Georgia and the issue of de-occupation. The parties discussed bilateral relations between the countries and dwelt upon the ongoing and implemented reforms of Georgia on the path to EU and NATO integration.
"The UN General Assembly is a supreme platform where we are able to voice key issues of Georgia to the world leaders and perform discussions on our priorities in bilateral formats", - Sofio Katsarava commented.
The delegation involves: The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, Minister of IDPs from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs, Chairs of the Foreign Relations and Education, Science and Culture Committees of the Parliament.