The meeting of Akaki Zoidze and Dimitri Tskitishvili with Danilo Türk
The Chair of the Health Care and Social Issues Committee, Akaki Zoidze and the Deputy Chair of the Foreign Relations Committee, Dimitri Tskitishvili met with the former President of Slovenia, Danilo Türk.
The parties discussed labor relations in Georgia, labor rights and mediation mechanisms. Georgian MPs introduced the respective activities and emphasized the Bill on Labor Safety to be adopted by the Parliament with the III reading.
“The Bill on Labor Safety has passed with the II reading. We introduced our plans on reforming the Labor Code and I believe that the steps we make will be important. We spoke about formation of the labor inspection to ensure protection of the employees not only in terms of labor safety but in terms of labor rights as well. This process shall be based on the dialogue with wide engagement of the business sector and trade unions to ensure high legitimation and to serve for the interests of the employees, as well as business development and welfare of the country”, - D. Tskitishvili noted.