The meeting of Irakli Kobakhidze with the co-rapporteurs of PACE Monitoring Committee
The Member of Parliament and the member of the Steering Commission on Public and Universal Consideration of the Draft Constitutional Laws, Irakli Kobakhidze met with the PACE Monitoring Committee co-rapporteurs, Claude Kern and Titus Corlățean to discuss the ongoing Constitutional, electoral and judicial reforms, as well as election of the Supreme Court Judges and the Parliamentary agenda.
The co-rapporteurs gave the positive assessment to the Parliamentary capacity building reform and the new Rules of Procedure ensuring improvement of the Parliamentary legislative and oversight functions.
“We discussed the electoral issues, the changes to be introduced to the transitional provisions of the Constitution, as well as to the law on Political Parties and the Election Code. We touched upon the 4th wave of the judicial reform. We promised to our colleagues to soon start considerations in the Parliament. We also dwelt on election of the Supreme Court Judges and our promise also envisaged soon and transparent respective procedures in the legislative body. We stressed various aspects of our cooperation as well”, - I. Kobakhidze commented to media.