The Vice-Speaker Ilia Nakashidze attending the 70th WMA General Assembly in the Sheraton Hotel and delivered the speech
For the first time in history of Eastern Europe, on October 25 Tbilisi hosts the 70th World Medical Association General Assembly and the 213th sitting of the Council hosted by the Georgian Medical Association (member of the WMA since 2002). It is a very relevant and key event worldwide in the medical sphere.
The General Assembly is attended by more than 300 delegates from more than 100 countries, which is a historical event for Georgia as we are able to reveal Georgia as the country with the modern medical and educational, as well as the historical values and tourist potential, including the country rich with the medical tourism – one of the best European countries.
Ilia Nakashidze:
As you know, Georgia is the home for wine and for medicine as well. Medea, according to the Greek mythology, was the younger daughter of the legendary King of Colchis – Aeëtes and the term “medicine” itself originates from “Medea”. According to the legends and historical sources, Medea was talented with the medical and treatment skills. Since 2013, the state healthcare course has been drastically changed: the healthcare services for the target groups has been replaced with the universal healthcare services for every citizen as the foundation of the right of the population to enjoy the universal healthcare services.
The healthcare expenses increase year over year already exceeding 3% of GDP, though we are still behind the Western European index (8%). Due to high prevalent of Hepatitis C in the country, in 2015 we have launched the Hepatitis C Elimination program. Hepatitis C screening, diagnostics and treatment are already accessible for the Georgian citizens and state-neutral persons. The program covers all the patents and receives free of charge all new generation medicines. The program has no analogue in the world. As of today, more than 55 000 patients have been treated and the treatment index achieves 98%. High attention is attached to TB as well – diagnostics and treatment are covered by the state with 100%.
The Health Care Ministry offers 21 types of social allowances to all give target categories (single aged persons, single parents, children with disabilities and persons with disabilities). Socially vulnerable persons and pensioners (women from 60 and men from 65), as well as the children with disabilities, are provided with free medicines for their chronic diseases. In terms of international liability of healthcare, the Georgia-EU Association Agreement agenda enacted in 2014 is very important envisaging the cooperation between the parties to cover enhancement of public healthcare, effective implementation of international healthcare agreements, disease prevention and control and facilitation to healthy lifestyle.
The Parliament of Georgia, being the supreme representative body, holding the legislative activity, defines the main directions of domestic and foreign policy within the Constitution, monitors the Governmental activity and realizes other authorities.
According to the changes introduced to the Constitution on October 13, 2017, Georgia enjoys the Parliamentary administration model enhancing importance of civic engagement in the Parliamentary activity. At that, the Parliament is engaged in OGP initiative and assumed the commitment to make the Parliamentary activity more transparent and accountable. Within this framework, the Parliament has developed the new civic engagement mechanisms. In 1997, we adopted the law on Health Care regulating the relations between the state authorities and the natural persons and legal entities in healthcare sphere. In 2001, we adopted the law on Medical Activity ensuring respective professional education of the independent medical subjects, practical training thereof, due state oversight, protection of its rights through establishment of the approved medical standards and ethical norms and to ensure high quality medical service for Georgian population.
In 2000, we have developed the law on Rights of the Patient aiming at protection of rights of the citizens in healthcare sphere, provision of their dignity. The law provides that “the rights and welfare of the citizen in healthcare sphere prevail compared to the interests of medicine and medical sciences”. The legislation of Georgia on rights of the citizens in healthcare sphere consists of the Constitution of Georgia, international agreements, laws on Health Care; on Medical Activity; on Rights of the Patient, and other normative acts and it is a permanent process. Oversight constitutes the effective oversight mechanism on policy and decisions of the executive authority.
Effective monitoring of the Parliament on the executive authority indicates to the effective governance. Other than the legislative function, the Parliament ensures oversight function on checks and balances as the body protecting interests of the people. In the course of building the democratic society, the role of the Trade Unions increases in professional development of the workers and protection of the labor, social-economic and legal rights. In this regard, we expect more intitiatives!