The working meeting of Irine Pruidze with the international expert for youth affairs, UN agencies and the Youth Agency representatives
The member of the Sports and Youth Issues Committee, Irine Pruidze held the meeting with the international expert for youth affairs, UN agencies and the Youth Agency representatives.
“Today, we are here to discuss the intermediate outcomes of the survey by the Committee with support of the UN agencies. It concerns estimation of the youth policy action plan and based on these outcomes, we will develop the state youth concept. We need to assess the certain outcomes for the last couple of years in this direction, what are the results or the challenges on the basis of this activity, what were the reasons, and to respectively plan our further steps”, - I. Pruidze noted.
The working meetings are held on the central and regional level for assessment of the State Youth Policy Development Action Plan of Georgia are being held initiated by the Parliament and backed by the UN agencies and the Swiss Government.