Kakha Kutchava: I hope, the standard established by the 9th Parliament in terms of open governance will be further increased by the next convocation
The Open Government Parliamentary Council held a remote sitting.
The Chair of the Council, Kakha Kutchava nominated the new members – Guram Macharashvili, Tsotne Zurabiani, Irina Pruidze and Levan Mgaloblishvili, and overviewed the activities of the Council during the pandemic.
“We have developed the informative documents and the schedules upon the declaration of the state of emergency on various rules/restrictions and civic engagement in the Parliamentary activity. The initiative was backed by the EU and UNDP in cooperation with the IDFI, and it is important that these material have been developed not only in Georgian but in Armenian and Azerbaijani languages as well”, - he noted.
The Vice-Speaker, Council member Giorgi Kakhiani dwelt on the OGP activity plan for 2018-2019 stating that the main part of the commitments has been fulfilled.
The Chair of the Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Committee, Nino Tsilosani introduced the report on the action plan of the Parliament of sustainable development goals for 2019-2020. According to her, in 2018, the Parliament assumed the fulfillment and monitoring of the sustainable development goals and reflected them in the action plan for 2018-2019. The plan envisaged the development of the Parliamentary strategy for 2019 on facilitation and monitoring of the SDG fulfillment. The report reflects the activities within the period of June, 2019-February, 2020.
“The strategy aims at, by the effective oversight and legislative activity, facilitation of fulfillment and monitoring of sustainable development agenda in the country. The strategy is based on the principle “welfare4all” and reflects the Parliamentary vision on achievement of the SDG”, - she stated.
In view of achievement of the strategy, the Parliament has outlined 4 strategic directions: legislative, budgetary, oversight and civic engagement.
The Deputy Secretary General of the Parliament, Ketevan Kvinikadze dwelt on the new Parliamentary website and stated that the technical issues have been identified and the new website will be soon launched in a test regime.
The Council also cooperated in development of the communication and strategy of Open Government Georgia and participated in the USAID and GGI organized online panels held within the open governance week.
After the report, MPs asked the questions to the reporters.
The sitting was attended by the members of the Advisory Group at the Council.
The Chair of the Council, Kakha Kutchava summed up the sitting.