Meeting of Nino Tsilosani with Experts of Working Group on “Draft Green Budget”
The Chair of the Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Committee, Nino Tsilosani held the second meeting with the experts of the Working Group on “Draft Green Budget”.
Being the Head of the Group, N. Tsilosani elucidated the objectives of the draft i.e. to analyze the Budget 2019 within the Committee and issue the recommendations for the Green Budget 2021.
"The Committee has commenced working on the most important document and it can be said that we are nearing the end. This is the "Draft Green Budget", which implies, deriving from all commitments of newly adopted laws and the analysis of the current budget, provision of the budget priorities for the coming years. This large scale budget shall yield the specific priorities for the Committee to focus on for 2021-2024. This document will definitely serve as a tangible guide for the Committee in discussing each budget to advocate for green areas on environmental, ecological, climate change commitments and adopted legislation", - Nino Tsilosani remarked.
According to the Head, this was the last concluding meeting of the Working Group, after which the Group will discuss the recommendations with the Ministries. According to her, it is important to develop recommendations that will be realistic for the executive.
The final document is to be approved by the Committee, after which it will be submitted to the Bureau.
The Working Group was established in March with composition of the representatives of the Parliament, Environmental Ministry and field specialists, backed by the organization “CENN” and initiated by the Committee.