Sofio Katsarava: we apply all the leverages and international mechanisms to include Russia-Georgia conflict into the agenda of all high rank meetings
One of the sessions of the Ambassadorial was dedicated to sovereignty and territorial integrity. The Chair of the Foreign Relations Committee, Sofio Katsarava, Chair of the Interim Commission on Territorial Integrity, Gedevan Popkhadze, State Minister Ketevan Tsikhelashvili and the Deputy Head of State Security Service, Alexander Tabatadze delivered the speeches.
They spoke about the peaceful resolution of Russia-Georgia conflict, role of international community therein, situation on the occupied territories and progress and future plans of reconciliation policy.
S. Katsarava spoke about the role of the Parliament in determination of foreign policy and symbolic value of Ambassadorial being held in Parliament. She emphasized the foreign policy directions by the Government and noted that in security and stability terms, Georgia undertakes pragmatic and balance policy – approaches without alternative.
“Despite our balanced policy, we unfortunately witness continuation of Russian aggression and that the part of our territory, Abkhazia and Tskinvali regions remaining under Russian occupation. Russia continues aggressive interference into our domestic policy, which is absolutely unacceptable. Against this background, against provoked actions and aggression by Russia, international support is of paramount importance. Despite the challenges, we achieved the tangible progress expressed at the bilateral and multilateral meetings. During the last months, our partners have adopted various Resolutions providing the messages supporting Georgia. We apply all the leverages and international mechanisms to put the Russia-Georgia conflict and de-occupation into the stoplight, which is the result of the joint efforts by the legislative and executive authorities”.
She touched upon the OSCE PA Declaration and noted that as a result of efforts of Georgian Delegation, the OSCE PA at the annual session in Minsk clearly provided the strict record regarding the Russian actions and the current situation on the occupied territories. “We have interesting plans concerning mobilization of international society and cooperation within OSCE”.
G. Popkhadze overviewed legislative base on territorial integrity.
Other reporters spoke about Geneva Talks importance, regaining confidence between the population divided with the occupation line, reconciliation policy etc.
The reporters answered the questions by diplomats and made additional elucidations.