The meeting of Nino Goguadze with the representatives of German media
The Reporter of the Thematic Inquiry Group on Disinformation and Propaganda, Nino Goguadze discussed these problems with the German journalists in the Parliament of Georgia.
German media, currently working on distribution of false information in Germany, asked about the types of the problems of disinformation and propaganda outlined during the thematic inquiry, the vulnerable groups and the targets of disinformation, the scale of the problem for the state and possible steps for effective policy.
According to N. Goguadze, Georgia outlines disinformation and propaganda as the acute problems but Western European countries do also encounter them. “Despite so many in common can be shared regarding these problems, still each of them have their certain context. So, the information shall be exchanged to find the full picture and detect the conjunction of the threats of the countries, their peculiarities and prospects for the countries to jointly address them. It is a good opportunity for the societies of other countries to share the information about the problems and impediments Georgia encounters”, - she noted.
These threats shall be really acknowledged to ensure due response. “When dealing with disinformation and propaganda, we shall ensure approach to the threat as it is revealed instead of discussing the stereotypes and popular issues. Otherwise, we can find it difficult to develop the response mechanisms. We need to know the source of the threats and outline the response mechanisms to be more effective and to consider international practice”, - she stated.