The meeting of Irina Pruidze with the representatives of the civil society, media, municipality and academic circles in Akhaltsikhe within the public awareness campaign on open Parliament

Irina Pruidze, within the public awareness campaign on open Parliament met with the representatives of the civil society, media, municipality and academic circles in Akhaltsikhe.
The meeting was also attended by MP, Giorgi Kopadze and IDFI CEO, Giorgi Kldiashvili.
The campaign is of public meeting format and envisages raising public awareness on open parliament and public consultations in view to hear the ideas about open parliament action plan for 2018-2019.
The participants were cognizant with the action plan for 2017 and report on implemented activities in 2017. The meeting was accomplished with the public consultations.
The meeting is organized by Georgian Parliament in cooperation with EU, UNDP and IDFI.